Course Language: English

Instructor: Candice Frazier, CRA, OCT-c, COA | RetCam Clinical Education Specialist

Course Description:
Retinal photography is photographic documentation of the features in the back of the eye done with a special camera and light source.
This course will cover a basic understanding of how retinal photography is performed and how it relates to knowledge of the anatomy of the eye.

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the presentation, the attendee will be able to:

  • Describe what Retinal Photography is, why it is recommended, and how is it performed
  • Understand the theory of operation as it relates to RetCam imaging
  • Understand the difference between RetCam imaging and Indirect Binocular Ophthalmoscopy exams
Module 1 What is Retinal Photography? - Video Training
Unit 1 Introduction
Unit 2 What is Retinal Photography and Why Performed
Unit 3 Theory of Operation
Unit 4 Understanding Range Function
Unit 5 How is Imaging Performed
Unit 6 Understanding BIO Exams
Unit 7 RetCam Image Examples
Unit 8 Apply Knowledge
Unit 9 References and Conclusion
Module 2 What is Retinal Photography? - The Quiz
Unit 1 Certified Knowledge Quiz


To to take this course you need to be a registered member on the Vision Care Academy!